Monday, September 10, 2007


today peter jon went to his first day of playschool. what is playschool? well, let me explain. it is not preschool, and it is not a playdate, it is somewhere in between. 3 moms from church and myself are taking turns haveing eachother's 3 year olds one week a month for 3 hrs a day (2 days per week). we have free play time, cirle time, snack time, and then more play time. it is pretty laid back, and peter jon is the only boy. it works out great because he doesn't have to share any cars or trains. if you can't tell, his shirt says "ladies man".


Sunshine said...

Only 3 and already a ladies man! Go Peter Jon! Breaking hearts so young!

Amy said...

and a ladies man he is!!!
He's going to be so proud of this picture when he's older.